Liste des HORNPIPES vus jusqu'à présent :

-0015- Peacock's Feather  n°1   et n°2   by JMJ                                            

-Peacock's Feather n°1 et n°2 , réf.  Masters Of Irish Music : Frankie Gavin & Alec Finn

(Kingston Irish Tunebook p.133)

-0059 -0060 - The Bachelor / The Flogging Reel

-0016- The Plains of Boyle  - (Kingston Irish Tunebook p.122)  by Eilish O'Connor Tocane

-0017- The Flowing Tide by Eilish O'Connor  Tocane   
Known as "Lad O'Beirne's" and composed by Ed Reavy

-0018-1- Nellie, your favour, i'm afraid i'll not gain     

Réf. : Memories From The Holla, By Peter Carberry, Angelina Carberry And John Blake                                                                                     


-0040- The Drunken Sailor  by Colin Botts 

-0041- The Long Acre _Cuz Teahan's    (réf Kevin Burke & Ged Foley  "In Tandem")